Sentient Ruin Laboratories
BLACK EARTH - Diagrams Of A Hidden Order LP
Originally released in 2016 by In Solace Publishing on tape and by Malignant Records on CD, Sentient Ruin now proudly brings you the first vinyl release of this smoldering masterpiece of disembodied incantations and wretched atmospherics. Spanish ritualistic black noise sorcerers BLACK EARTH's second MLP Diagrams of a Hidden Order masterfully brings together black metal, industrial, scorching noise scarifications, and dark ambient to summon a haunting and grotesque sonic chasm of sublime and mind-expanding aural cacophony. Similarly to the aesthetic of other abstract sound sculptors of the most liturgic, evil, and wretched craft like Wold, Gnaw Their Tongues, Emanation, and Sutekh Hexen, Black Earth weave and coerce together otherworldly atmospherics, dismal atmospheres, and ear-splitting electronics to paint a daunting sonic arabesque of utter horror and dismay.