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HAWKWIND - Warrior On The Edge of Time LP

Let Them Eat Vinyl

HAWKWIND - Warrior On The Edge of Time LP

180 gram yellow vinyl.
Highly recommended.

This is one of the most complex and progressive of Hawkwind's albums. From the raw straight-ahead rock of Assault and Battery and Kings of Speed, which bookend the album, to the Krautrock extremes of Opa-Loka, the space rock of The Golden Void, and numerous other tracks, the album is a true tour de force for the entire band, with every instrumentalist working at the peak of their powers. Particularly worthy of mention, of course, is Nik Turner's amazing sax and flute contributions and the excellent keyboard and synthesiser work by Dave Brock, as well as Simon House's violin and Mellotron contributions. Lemmy's bass guitar adds meat to the compositions, of course, but he's less of a presence on this album than he was on the likes of Space Ritual or Hall of the Mountain Grill, and it would be shortly after this one's release that he'd depart to begin his legendary career as leader of Motorhead.

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