Deep Oceans
Includes d/l code.
Adversity has long been the driving force inspiring sonic chemists to one up themselves. On this fifth full-length by the decade old noise rock trio the struggles of life are real but they also come with a big pay off. The opener, “Never Coming Back,” brims with anxiety whether it’s brought on by the changes all around or a consistent streak of personal bad luck matters less and less as the trance inducing back beat helps give the sensation of exiting this world for clouds of noise up above. Otherworldly guitar sounds and copious amounts of forlorn blasts of sonic chaos have always been the rule but this release has a notable addition with the inclusion of he/she vocals. The hellish buzz-saw guitar riffs on “Frustrated Operator” benefit greatly from a female presence widening the dynamic with soft Nico-inspired singing which is truly shiver inducing. Weary voices give searing meditations on personal truth revealing a side to the band that usually hides beneath layers and layers of post-rock noise.